Making designs look good: Using different and repeated stuff

Design deFolio
2 min readFeb 14, 2024


Photo by Deeana Arts from Pexels

In design, making things look the same is important. It helps everything fit together well. Two big ideas for making things look the same are “different” and “repeated.”

Different: Making Things Stand Out
Different means making things not look the same. This can help make certain things more important or interesting.

1. Big and Small: When some things are big and others are small, it helps you know what’s important. Like, big letters might be for titles and small ones for regular text.

2. Colours: Using different colours can make things pop. Like, if everything is black and white, but one thing is red, you’ll notice it.

3. Feelings: Different can also make people feel different things. Lots of contrast can make people feel excited, while less can make them feel calm.

Repeated: Keeping Things Together

Repeated means using the same things over and over again. This helps make everything look like it belongs together.

1. Same Brand Look: If a logo, colours, and fonts are used the same way everywhere, it makes everything look like it’s from the same place.

2. Looks Good Together: Repeating shapes, patterns, or designs makes everything look nice and organized. It’s like having a beat in music that makes you want to dance.

3. Easy to Understand: When things look the same, it’s easier for people to know what to do. Like, if every page of a website looks the same, you’ll know where to find stuff.

Putting it Together

Both different and repeated things are important in design. They help make everything look good and make sense. By using them the right way, designers can make their work more attractive and easier to understand for everyone.

So, next time you’re making something cool, remember to mix things up with different stuff and keep things together with repeated stuff. Your designs will look awesome!

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